Outsourcing Monitor
The Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Monitor focuses on all aspects of outsourcing in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device sectors. The Monitor is published by Michael Martorelli, a Director at Fairmount, who had a two-decade career as a research analyst covering a variety of healthcare companies for both buy-side and sell-side firms. The report principally spotlights leading companies in a particular segment of pharmaceutical outsourcers.
For further information on this report or to be added to the mailing list, please contact Peyton Embree.
In addition to the Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Monitor, Michael A. Martorelli writes a regular column on Financial Analysis for the trade publication Contract Pharma, and authors guest articles for other publications. He also speaks about industry conditions at meetings and conferences such as those sponsored by the Drug Information Association (DIA), Bio-IT World, and Elsevier’s Drug Discovery Today. For further information about upcoming events or these publications, please contact Michael Martorelli.